01424 490 380

I have been working with Ben and Joe since 2018 (in 3 separate phases) as the Project Manager on the refurbishment of a 1970s church administration block, toilets, kitchen, adjoining Victorian church hall, sanctuary and construction of a lift shaft. Due to the various historic construction methods that were previously employed numerous unforeseen problems were encountered. During these problems and at all times Ben and Joe have shown the utmost professionalism and attention to detail. The standard of their work has been exemplary, the lift installation company fitters commenting that it was the best lift shaft they had worked on.


The first major problem was the imminent collapse of a substantial Victorian internal wall (which could not have been foreseen) and that could have had catastrophic repercussions. The second being the discovery of floor joists that were failing despite having been previously repaired by others. The collapse of the floor could have resulted in critical damage to new boilers that had previously been installed below. Ben and Joe reacted to both situations with extreme professionalism and with constant communication with myself. They came up with both cost effective and safe solutions that were implemented.

The standard of work and the finished results has given the church modern facilities that are light, spacious and welcoming.

I would have no hesitation in recommending Ben and Joe (Mitchells Construction) for your building project.